Who has time to actually look through hundreds of blogs to choose the best home improvement DIY blogs?
Well, we’ve done just that. After reviewing thousands of posts on hundreds of home improvement blogs and removing blogs that haven’t recently updated, we’ve created a list of 52 of the best DIYer blogs.
All 50+ blogs are current, full of great style, DIY tips and other information for homeowners and they’re all lots of fun to read. Almost all the blogs on this list are homegrown and not corporate.
You’re here for the list so without further ado:
- http://thedesignfiles.net
- https://atcharlotteshouse.com
- http://getinmyhome.com
- http://loveandrenovations.com
- http://refreshrestyle.com
- http://southernhospitalityblog.com
- http://theinspiredroom.net/
- http://www.addicted2decorating.com
- http://www.apartmenttherapy.com
- http://www.craftylittlegnome.com
- http://www.curbly.com
- http://www.designimprovised.com
- http://www.designsponge.com
- http://www.dreamgreendiy.com
- https://www.goodhomesmagazine.com
- http://www.hisugarplumsblog.com
- http://www.homestoriesatoz.com
- http://www.houselogic.com
- http://www.ikeahackers.net/
- http://www.prettyhandygirl.com
- http://www.remodelaholic.com
- http://www.remodelista.com
- http://www.theidearoom.net/
- http://www.thenester.com
- https://diyprojects.com
- http://www.danslelakehouse.com
- http://ispydiy.com
- http://migonishome.porch.com
- http://www.designertrapped.com
- http://www.moneypit.com
- http://www.theartofdoingstuff.com
- http://www.thisthatandlife.com
- http://ana-white.com
- http://balancinghome.com
- http://homeyimprovements.com
- http://tatertotsandjello.com
- http://www.hewnandhammered.com
- http://www.homeroad.net/
- http://www.ohohblog.com
- http://www.thechroniclesofhome.com
- http://diyshowoff.com
- http://homefixated.com
- http://www.uglyducklinghouse.com
- http://www.manmadediy.com
- http://www.shanty-2-chic.com
- http://www.thehappyhomebodies.com
- https://www.thebravelife.co/